SK   /   EN   /   HU   /   PL   /   DE   /   RU                                        

PF 2025

Business opportunities - service in countries:

SK, PL, HU, UA, CZ, LT, BG, NL, IT, MD, RS, CH, AT, DE, BE... EU

  • the service has been active since 1992
  • this is where buyers and sellers meet and offer contracts in large quantities
  • business information is updated daily
  • you will find many European manufacturers and traders here
  • the participants are professionals with a serious interest in cooperation
  • there are visitors looking for inspiration for new activities
The service provides direct access to contacts and contracts,
without commissions!

Full benefits are provided only by membership in the system
however, we also allow free access

  • membership conditions, membership fee and benefits can be found at:
    • Company:   DISY s.r.o.
    • Country:     European Union
    • telephone:  +421 911 922 572  Whatsapp / Viber
    • Send advertisements, requests, information to

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* povinná položka

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Ste neregistrovaný? Registrujte sa!

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umožní vám prístup ku kontaktom

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Pokračovať bez registrácie!

inzeráty sa zobrazujú bez kontaktov,
môžete reagovať cez formulár

Registration * povinná položka / required entry

Poľno / Agriculture
Potraviny / Food
Stroje / Vehicle, Machinery
Drevo / Wood
Suroviny / (Raw) materials
Ostatné / Others

Potvrdenie registrácie

Potvrdenie registrácie

Prosím, vložte registračný kód do kolonky.

* povinná položka

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* povinná položka

Link na nulovanie hesla je odoslaný na e-mail.



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